
Superior omega-3 ingredient solutions

Our portfolio of highly concentrated omega-3 ingredients is specially designed for the nutritional, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.


Rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), we use industry-leading green chemistry technology to extract and purify fish and algae oils to maximize their benefit to human health, while minimizing our impact on the planet.

Not sure which ingredient is for you?
Meet our omega-3 ingredient heroes:
Omegatex® Marine Sourced

Premium, sustainably sourced concentrates, tailored to your needs.

Omegatex® Plant Based

Looking for a high concentration vegetarian EPA and DHA ingredient?


Sustainable advanced  nutrition,


Explore a revolutionary omega-3 ingredient for greater bioavailability.

Lipinova® SPMs

Next generation immune-nutrition omega-3 ingredients to support inflammation resolution.